Painting Supplies

For home use and supplies to bring when materials are not included.

Tempera Paints

Use high quality tempera paints.
Utrecht Studio Series tempera are ideal.
Utrecht by website:
Utrecht by phone: 1 (800) 223-9132

Ultra high quality tempera paints.
Lascaux Gouache is a pricier tempera.
Lascaux by website:
Lascaux by phone: 1 (800) 876-8076

Vellum Paper

Choose paper that is not highly grainy or overly smooth.
Wausau Exact vellum is an excellent paper.
Other brands are fine too, but use these guidelines:
Try to get 80-lb Bristol Vellum around 20 X 26 or 22 X 28.
Also, 26 X 40 can be cut into two sheets of 20 X 26.
Make sure to buy white paper, not other colors.

Wausau by website:
Wausau by phone: 1 (715) 675-9891

Quality Brushes

Isabey 6234 series is a superior brush with excellent color reserve.
Try sizes #000, #1, #3 to start.
You can find Isabey at

Yarka makes its own quality version of the Isabey-style brush.
Try sizes #6, #8, #10 to start.
You can find Yarka at

Loew-Cornell 7000 Round is a highly affordable brush.
Try sizes #5, #10, #14 to start.
You can find Loew-Cornell at

Required Materials

Materials are not included in our workshops. You will need to bring:

Other Supplies

Standard ice-cube trays serve well as paint trays.
Fill the cells with a selection of colors and paint.
Cover moistened cells with saran wrap and store in refrigerator.

Plastic Jars store water for painting and rinsing.
Dip the brushes in jar water to keep them moist at all times as you paint.
Clean the brushes thoroughly between color changes.

Paper towels, kleenex, and rags are very handy.
You can use them to mop accidental dripping in your paintings.
They're always good for general cleanup afterwards too.

Other Vendors

In addition to the vendors featured in the links above, the vendors listed below often have the same items at comparable prices.

Molly Hawkins House
1 (888) 446-6559

Nasco Arts & Crafts
1 (800) 558-9595